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You’ve probably heard of prehabilitation – or prehab – but what does it mean and how is it different from rehabilitation? While our goal is

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Hamstring Strains

The hamstring muscles are one of the most commonly injured muscles that physios see. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a casual fitness enthusiast, understanding

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You’ve probably heard of prehabilitation – or prehab – but what does it mean and how is it different from rehabilitation? While our goal is always to...
Understanding Subacromial Shoulder Pain- tips to
Shoulder pain is one of the leading causes of patients attending Physiotherapists and other allied health professionals across Australia. Often...
Hamstring Strains
The hamstring muscles are one of the most commonly injured muscles that physios see. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a casual fitness enthusiast...
Patellofemoral Pain- Knee Cap Pain
What is it? Patellofemoral term is considered an umbrella term for knee cap pain, or pain related to the knee cap. Despite most commonly being a pain...
Neck pain in Office Workers
It is without a doubt that neck pain is one of the most common issues we see as physiotherapists in the clinic. It is equally as predictable that when...
Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain
What is Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (Pr PGP) – “pain experienced between the posterior iliac crest and the gluteal fold, particularly in the...
4 Phases of Acute Low Back Pain
Low back pain affects most of us at one point or another during our adult life. For those of you that have suffered with back pain, you will know and...
Urinary Incontinence
For anyone who has ever injured themselves the term RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) has been the gold star acronym for the treatment of...
Bursitis: Should I Get a Cortisone Injection?
Bursitis is an extremely common issue we see at The Physio Rooms – but unfortunately (depending on where you seek your advice) – it is also an issue...

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2 Lyell Grove, WOODVALE WA 6026

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Working hours:

Monday to Friday: 8am to 7pm

Saturday: 8am to 12pm

Sunday & Holidays: Closed

Working hours:

Monday to Friday:
8am to 7pm

8am to 12pm

Sunday & Holidays: Closed

Contact us

2 Lyell Grove, WOODVALE WA 6026

Send us a message

Working hours:

Monday to Friday: 8am to 7pm

Saturday: 8am to 12pm

Sunday & Holidays: Closed

Working hours:

Monday to Friday:
8am to 7pm

8am to 12pm

Sunday & Holidays: Closed